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    "Mathematics of Wave Propagation," "Table of Integrals, Series, and Products, Sixth Edition," "Risk Analysis: A Quantitative Guide, Second Edition," "Stat Labs: Mathematical Statistics Through Applications," and "Women Becoming Mathematicians: Creating a Professional Identity in Post-World War II America"
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    The Springer-Verlag Math Store
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    "Math into LaTeX," "The Math Gene: How Mathematical Thinking Evolved and Why Numbers Are Like Gossip," and "Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, Seventh Edition"


Mathematics of Wave Propagation"Mathematics of Wave Propagation"
by Julian L. Davis
By its very nature, wave propagation in various media involves the use of applied mathematics in solving the physics of traveling waves. The author of this major reference gives the reader a tapestry of the mathematical principles that lie at the foundations of wave phenomena and explain their physics. After reading this book, you'll never think of the sound of ocean waves crashing on the beach in quite the same way again. Read more
Table of Integrals, Series, and Products"Table of Integrals, Series, and Products, Sixth Edition"
by I.S. Gradshteyn, I.M. Ryzhik, Alan Jeffrey, and Dan Zwillinger
It's a pity the publisher of this huge text didn't take advantage of our Look Inside This Book feature, as then you'd be able to see samples of the more than 1,000 pages of mathematical formulae for yourself. The new edition was completely reset in order to add more material and to enhance the visual appearance of the book, and it's an elegant presentation indeed. An customer from Madison, Wisconsin says, "This is the best and largest compilation of integrals and their solutions in existence. Whatever integral you are trying to solve, odds are someone else has already solved it and the answer is in this book. If you regularly come across integrals in your work or play (yes, IT IS FUN for some people), this book is an absolute must." Read more

Risk Analysis: A Quantitative Guide"Risk Analysis: A Quantitative Guide, Second Edition"
by David Vose
And speaking of publishers, here's a new edition that's bucked the trend and actually come out before its announced publication date! It's quite a hybrid, but for anyone who's enthralled with the Monte Carlo simulation software, it provides a comprehensive guide to the modeling of uncertainty using spreadsheets and Monte Carlo software on standard PCs. A customer from Decisionalysis Risk Consulting in Canada says, "Whether you are attempting Monte Carlo simulation for the first time or have plenty of practical experience, Vose's book is the best text available. Vose has done a great job providing a brief but solid introduction to probability and statistics. It also serves as a great practical reference for the details and applications of all of the commonly used probability distribution functions." Read more

Stat Labs: Mathematical Statistics Through Applications"Stat Labs: Mathematical Statistics Through Applications"
by Deborah Nolan and Terry Speed
What a concept: here's a beautiful blend of traditional mathematical statistics and modern statistical practice. UC Berkeley professors Nolan and Speed have organized this terrific text around real-life case studies that are the centerpieces of each chapter. This novel approach is ideal for motivating and illustrating standard statistical techniques, for helping students understand mathematical statistics, and for showing how statistics can be useful in a wide variety of contexts. Read more

Women Becoming Mathematicians: Creating a Professional Identity in Post-World War II America"Women Becoming Mathematicians: Creating a Professional Identity in Post-World War II America"
by Margaret A. M. Murray
While perhaps not quite as riveting as the Gradshteyn and Ryzhik book mentioned earlier, this is a unique look at 36 of the 200 women who received PhDs in mathematics from American institutions during the postwar years of 1940 to 1959. The author has done extensive interviews with these mavericks and explores the complex interplay between their personal and professional lives. Taking a life-course approach, the book examines the development of mathematical identity across the life span, from childhood through adulthood and into retirement. Read more


Springer-Verlag Math Store Offering the finest selection of new and classic titles in mathematics and statistics, the Springer-Verlag Math Store is your best source ever for these invaluable, internationally respected reference works. In the very near future, look for the addition of many new listings and expanded subcategories spanning the entire field. We've stocked up, so the availability of these hard-to-find titles has never been better! Read more


Math into LaTeX"Math into LaTeX"
by George Gratzer
For anyone writing a mathematical book, thesis, or journal article, Microsoft Word just won't cut it, thus the American Mathematical Society's LaTeX software. Unlike traditional word-processing software, however, one needs a book to get the most out of this nonintuitive package. There are several guides, but this one wins hands-down for the elegance of its approach and the breadth of coverage. An customer from Atlanta says, "If you can only afford one LaTeX book, and you need to crank out documents tomorrow, this is the book to have." Read more

The Math Gene: How Mathematical Thinking Evolved and Why Numbers Are Like Gossip"The Math Gene: How Mathematical Thinking Evolved and Why Numbers Are Like Gossip"
by Keith Devlin
This new book by the NPR commentator is our favorite since "The Number Devil." If people are endowed with a "number instinct" similar to the "language instinct" (as recent research suggests) then why can't everyone figure out what polynomials are? In "The Math Gene," mathematician and popular writer Keith Devlin attacks both sides of this question and does it in a most interesting way. It's not necessarily a math book, but it would make a wonderful present for anyone who wonders why some people "get math" and some don't, or for mathematically inclined parents who don't understand why their own children struggle with it. Read more

Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems"Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, Seventh Edition"
by William E. Boyce and Richard DiPrima
It may not be on The New York Times bestseller list, but this new edition of a consistent performer has probably sold more copies in its various editions than many fiction bestsellers do. People either love it or hate it (read the wildly divergent customer comments), but at least the seventh edition helpfully serves up answers for all problems in the back of the book. Though primarily used as a text, many people keep it on their shelves for years after they've finished their D.E. courses. Read more

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